Greetings, Kitty Bunnies!
Imbolc Rustling
Ostara Blessings
.: Return, Return, We Turn :: Night's End, Awakening Light :.
Welcome Beloved Ones! The wheel is turning and we are shifting from the soft rustlings of Imbolc to Ostara. Ostara is the spring equinox. It is the time of balance, with light growing stronger every day.

~ Mantras of the Turn ~
.: From Darkness to Light, lead me... :. ~ .: May the Dawn of Spring warm my Heart :. .: and Kindle my inner flame :.
Social Tools, Tips, and Tricks for
Imbolc and Ostara
Introducing The "TLLR Tool"!
This tool can be used whenever a stressful topic arises in conversation. Just like tilling soil (whether you are a human or an earth worm), it is important to create a strong foundation for conversations and infuse things with fresh oxygen so they don't stagnate. Tilling our conversations with the TLLR tool helps keep things nourishing and replenishing by slowing things down, and helping create a sense of team-work, even around negotiating the container for a conversation topic.
Simply let your conversation partner know that you’d like to try out this tool by saying, “this is a tool that helps me to feel supported, and that’s why I want you to do it with me, want to give it a try?” Phrasing this in such a way is important first, to establish an agreement around trying it, and to take a second to consciously co-create the container you wish to have with your conversation partners, team-mates, friends, and/or loved ones.
Then take a step back from the stressful topic to follow these 4 steps:
Upcoming Events!
Global Earth Repair Conference (Port Townsend, Washington)
 Join us in Port Townsend the first weekend of May for Beltane! Celebrate with the Global Earth Repair Conference, an incredible gathering of people from all of the world working to heal the earth repair our relationship.
The Way of Vibrantly will be offering a morning Earth & Sky Yoga & Meditationeach day of the gathering as well as hosting the Mountain Song Wellness Temple. Come find us to say hello at Mountain Song and stop in for a moment of respite, replenishment and healing aromatherapy as we find our centeredness in the midst of such an amazing group of people and events!

Beltane Seasonal Wheel Gathering, Sacred Fire, Feast & Birthday Party! (Green Lake, Washington)

Come Join us Beloved Ones!
The wheel turns and turns again, to Beautiful Blossoming Beltane! AND It's Miku's Birthday! Come Play!
There are so many things to be grateful for and celebrate for this fertile turning of the wheel. Like last year, we will have a slackline set up, acro yoga, body movement dance and play, paddle boarding, BBQ, tea pouring, picnic, drum circle and song share around a candle lit altar in the evening. All welcome! Bring your kitty friends and little ones too!
Tentative Timing: Soft opening at 1pm - come any time to play! - Tea Station - Slacklining - Swimming - Frisbee / Bocci - Dance / Movement - Acroyoga
Opening Circle - Welcome Beltane Ceremony @ 5PM BBQ/Dinner @ 630PM Story Share / Performance/ Play @ 8PM Drum Circle & Song Share @ 9PM Closing Circle @10PM
Soooo excited to see you all beloved ones!
Email us at ro RSVP so we can send you the address at Green Lake or Visit or Facebook Event Page Here: |
Past Vibrantly HappeningsVibrantly Team Retreat & Teacher Training!(Brietenbush Hot Springs, Oregon)  
Teacher Training #3 and The Vibrantly Team Retreat #2!Another year at beautiful Brietenbush Hot Springs for the team and it was amazing! We had our first "layer cake" party, with actual cake! We did several workshops and trainings for our teacher training including the following: Dharma Activity - Miku Inventory of Sacred Selves - Archaelia Practice of Sacred Selves - Miku Personal Parts Party and Arts Party - Archaelia CEO Compassionate Communication - KelseyDaemion CEO Restorative Justice - River Restorative Yoga - Miku We also completed the restructuring of the team, and inducted new officers for 2019/2020. Congrats to our new Officers! And also for our new prospective members Joe, Brooke, and Oohna. Ostara Sacred Wheel Fire, Feast & Gathering Solara House, Seattle, WA   
Ostara, the spring equinox, celebrates the return of the light and sun, the birth of the budding blossoms, and the emergence of new life on the ever-turning seasonal wheel.
The Way of Vibrantly community and friends gathered at Solara House on March 23rd for a cozy and playful expression of honoring the sacred hearth fire of spring. There were centered and exhilarated conversations around tea, ukulele and songs around the fire, heartfelt expressions in session, and ceremony with the passing of Bridget’s flame.
Gratitudes and lovely connections trickle into the deepening of the year! Vibrantly Hawaii || Compassionate Conversations (Weekly Conversation Group visiting Honolulu, Hawaii) We had regular meetups in Honolulu Hawaii this past Winter dedicated to exploring all things Compassionate Communication and Beyond!
Thank you all who came. It was awesome.For more info or to join our Meetup Group find us here: 
Love to you all, beautiful Kitty Bunnies and Amazing Human Creatures!
- Jordan, Miku & The 道 Vibrantly Team******************************************* The 道 Vibrantly Team Ancient | Inspired | Authentic | Wild | Primal | Playful 道 Vibrantly - The Way of Vibrantly 6900 East Greenlake Way N. Seattle, WA 98115 @: | #: 206.403.8134 | FB: **************************************************** .: Interactions that inspire, replenish, and nourish ~ ~ Relationships that cherish, honor, and respect ::
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