Greetings, The Way of Vibrantly Dear Ones!
~ Beltane ~ :: Solar Cycle 2019 :. 道Vibrantly Seasonal Newsletter #007
:: Return, Return, We Turn :. :: Summer's Rustling, Ripening, Growth! :.

~ Mantras of the Turn ~
"Awakening to the Light, We are Beings Blossoming Bright "
"Yes to Life! I am the one I have been waiting for"
Social Tools, Tips, and Tricks for
Beltane's Blossoming
Choosing to Consciously Create a Container for your Gatherings One of the most important things to know in running effective meetings, and having inspiring, nourishing and replenishing gatherings is that you can choose and be conscious about the type of "container" you are creating. It is such an important vocabulary word for co-creating, yet many of us don't think about it. What kind of gathering do you want to create? What is the right "container" for the goals of your gathering? In Starhawk's 5 Fold Path for Highly Effective Meetings"Right Container" is among the top 5 elements to consider. In the Way of Vibrantly we support creating a container that is inspiring, nourishing and replenishing and as long as we are all in agreement around that, most anything goes! Except.... ...When we are actually trying to accomplish tasks ...We need to make accommodations for new members ...When we need to take time for emotional connecting ...When we need to make sure we share a meal In Fact! It turns out, it is really important to be clear about the specifics of container well in advance of the event, unless you are operating at a very high cohesiveness as a team (teaser here for our next article on levels of team interdependence). So, next time you are planning your team gathering, take some time to be very detailed about what kind of container you are creating, weather it is a gathering supporting bonding, fact sharing, productivity time, informal brainstorming etc., and what kind of physical elements support that as well as what type of facilitation styles supports that? Do you need a printed agenda for this type of gathering? Should there be music, fire and story? Do you need to open with ceremony? Getting clear about what shape, what container you are creating and matching the purpose to your vision will help create the most optimal experience for all! Happy gathering dear ones! May you have an amazing time together in the way you are most hoping to experience. 
Upcoming Events!
Litha Seasonal Community Wheel Gathering, Fire, Feast and Celebration! Seattle, WA

Save the Date for July! (Free Community Event. All Welcome!)
Details coming soon! Email us if you would like to be the host house / community for Litha! At

The Way of Vibrantly at Spirit Weavers & Tending the Sacred Hearth Fires Cave Junction, OR

Find us at Spirit Weavers Ancestral Skills Gathering This Year!
Sacred hearth fires have been burning for thousands and thousands of years. Fire, food, hearth. Forest, water, life. We are deeply connected to the land, the elements. All of these things are sacred. And in the ritual of tending the sacred hearth fire and creating our food, we have the great honor of practicing gratitude and blessings for these Beings over and over again. We are all connected in a circle of life which we serve and tend in reciprocity.
Creating a container for honoring and taking pause before meals is one of the simplest things we can do to slow down and remember the sacred in our everyday experience and connect to these elements. At this workshop we will be teaching 3 simple offerings anyone can do to create a container of respect, honoring and cherishing for all life and all beings.
Three Simple Teachings for tending the Sacred Hearth:
· Share a food blessing and song
· Acknowledge and connect to place, First Peoples and All Beings
· Create an offering from your Ancestral tradition (smoke, tobacco, plate of food etc.)
Daemion and Miku will be Offering Workshops with The Way of Vibrantly at Spirit Weavers before every meal of the gathering!
Learn more about our offering and Spirit Weavers here.

Compassionate Conversations & Tea Meetup is BACK! Green Lake, WA

Sundays from 1-3PM @Wayward Coffee - Seattle, WA (Free Community Meetup. All Welcome!)
Email us at for more info or join our Meetup Group Here:
We will be meeting to discuss all things compassionate in conversation including Non-Violent Communication, Compassionate Dialogue, CEO Dialogue and the *NEW* Compassionate Conversations for Couples!
Past Vibrantly Happenings
Global Earth Repair Conference Port Townsend, WA
The Way of Vibrantly was at the Global Earth Repair Conference this year in Port Townsend hosting the Mountain Song Wellness Temple, Safe Space and First Aide area as well as offering morning Earth and Sky Yoga! Thank you for all the Vibrantly humans who helped including Damion, Robyn, River, Joe, Daniel and Miku! Mountain Song Wellness TempleOffering a space for: Stillness Nourishment Replenishment Deep Safety Relaxation Reflection Solice Sweetness Write us if you would like us to bring this to your gathering or event! *** Calling in Special Gratitude for our Elders and Traditional Medicine Keepers! Who attended GERC. What an incredible convergence of people. So much gratitude for you all! Click Here for a LINK to the Youtube Channel from the Conference and Here for upcoming Podcast Recordings of the panel discussions presented by Muse Ecology Podcast Grandmother Agnes and Grandmother Rita of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Beltane Seasonal Wheel Gathering, Feast & Celebration Green Lake, WA
Ah, how the seasons turn. We had a beautiful gathering at the lake celebrating Beltane and also Miku's Birthday! What a sweet tradition as we come together once a year beginning to connect with this place and each-other ever more deeply for this new Vibrantly and Soulshine Community Tradition.Special Thanks to Loc for hosting the Acrojam, and Mike for bringing his gong! Thank you River, Daniel, Jordan, Rob, Miku, Megan and Kelsey for help with set up and take down! And thank you all who came!  Mythic Village Ecstatic Dance @ OmCulture Seattle, WA
 The theme for the dance was Weaving the Grandmother's Dream. We had an amazing night in the Mythic Village dancing the Grandmothers Dream at @omcultureseattle in Wallingford. Thank you to our amazing live artists @lauradianecameron,Trip Viaje and Daemion for your work. And thank you @daniroberto1984 for your bodywork, @riversoulshine for pouring tea 🍵 and sooooo many others who made this possible. 🦋🙏🏽🌷🐾🌿🌅 So excited for more of this Mythic Village, Dream Dancing Rising energies to continue as we collaborate and co-create music, art, and movement exploring what it means to live in harmony with each other once more as a village. And BIG huge thank you of course to Tanner James for making this all possible!  Daemion in mid-creation and manifestation! 
<<Art by Damion>>Love to you all, beautiful Kitty Bunnies Amazing Human Creatures!
- Jordan, Miku & The 道 Vibrantly Team
-- ******************************************* The 道 Vibrantly Team Ancient | Inspired | Authentic | Wild | Primal 道 Vibrantly - The Way of Vibrantly Green Lake Seattle, WA 98115 @: | #: 206.403.8134 | FB: **************************************************** ~ Relationships that honor, respect and cherish :: Interactions that inspire, replenish and nourish ~
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