Adventures at Beloved Festival with The Way of Vibrantly
Adventures at Beloved Festival with The Way of Vibrantly
By: River Soulshine
I love love love giving Centered and Exhilarated Dialogue workshops at Beloved! The Beloved Festival is a Bhakti Yoga festival in Tidewater, OR, focused on art and music that honors the divine in all of us. These lands are ancestral to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians as well as the confederated Tribes of Siletz. With the opening and closing ceremonies, we honor these tribes and their land.
We set up our camp, the Mystic Hearth, right next to the Oasis, where festival-goers would come to bathe. As they waited in line, they could see the signs for daily workshops at our camp, as well as thumb through the CEO Dialogue books I had laid out.
This was a beautiful location to host workshops, with the sun setting in the orange sky in the distance and the light distilling through the trees. Not only did I sell out of all my books, I ended up giving five more workshops, in addition to the daily workshops I had originally anticipated. It was so wonderful to see all the enthusiasm and to help my fellow budding thrivens.
We had tea ceremony, blueberry pancakes, story-telling around the Mystic Hearth fires, we howled and opened our wild hearts, and engaged in nourishing dialogue and shares of our journeys and paths.
My favorite part though was the CEO Dialogue Workshops. This practice is referred to as CEO Dialogue because the C stands for Centered, the E stands for Exhilarated, and the O stands for the experience that arises in the circle of people, meeting together to share in connection with each other. This practice is based on the idea that the brain operates better when we feel good about ourselves (31% better, according to a 2008 Harvard study). That is why it’s important to have conflict navigation processes, restorative justice circles, business meetings, and one on one interactions that feel supportive and replenishing without feeling draining. I have made all my resources available for free download at My hope is to empower as many communities as possible with these tools, to help us all move towards a gift economy, where we respect and honor the gifts that we each are, in our individual magic.
Greetings and love to all! May your journeys nourish you and your connections with each other and with nature bloom!
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