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Perspective Taking Culture

Perspective-Taking Culture How often do we notice an argument that goes back and forth without either side truly hearing what each other is saying? Weekly? Perhaps daily? Certainly too often. Why is it that these conversations can seem like they’re going in circles, like a dog chasing its tail?  Here is a two-step process to begin practicing perspective-taking culture:  Step 1: Notice Stress A Harvard Business study from 2008 suggests that people are at least 31% more intelligent, more productive, and generally better at listening when they feel good about themselves. I don’t know about you, but I definitely feel like a better me, at just about everything, when I’m feeling good about myself. And in the Interpersonal Neurobiology of the We, author Dan Siegel goes into a great amount of detail surrounding the breakdown in communication when we’re feeling stressed. For starters, the left and right hemispheres of our brain can actually stop passing information b

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